Social enginering is a very small chapter,it is not only related 2 internet arena but it is also related 2 yhur social and general life.Yhu do flirt with a girl that is social engineering.I mean saying lies to someone for making yhur own work succeed is also a social engineering.Social engineering is nothing else but to do some crooking with someone for making ur own work completed.Suppose that there is someone yhur freind and yhu want 2 hack his facebook account,then without trying to hack his password simply clicking on forgot password,a every individual generally put a very common question here in which it is very easy 2 guess if yhu are his friend,social engineering is a very crucial thing.
let me tell u d genesis of hacking.
it started thru social engineering.
In starting when telephone first emerged in the world then the first hacker in the world,just looked at the working method of telephonic service,he found out that whenever we call someone then our request goes to the telephone data base then thereby originating a specific frequency then it sends it back to the person to whom we are calling.He then made a tofee and put a small whistle in that packet of tofee saying it as a gift with tofee.
People started whistling that whistle,whenever anyone used that whistle, it produces the same frequency as the telephone server frequncy and it became hacker's free call to d world.
just look at the whole incident,he just thought and used a small whistle.
it means social engineering is very much important and if yhu are doing something big without taking the help of social engineering u cann't achieve yhur work wella.
Suppose that there is someone maybe yhur freind and u want 2 hack his facebook account, without trying to hack his password simply click on forgot password, and guess to his or her security answer
Social engineering is the human side of breaking into a corporate networks,
companies, the authentication processes,firewall,virtual private networks and network monitoring softwares are still wide open 2 attacks, but the fact remains that social engineering is the hardest form of attacks to defend against, because it can't be secure with the help of hardware or software alone.
Sometimes when u open a website then u see something written like "congrats yhu are d 1l113th visitor click here 2 claim"
on these sites everyday, thousands of people gave there credit cards information easily all in the name of freebies
there are two types of social engineering
---> impersonation
---> posing as important user
---> 3rd person approach
---> technical support
these r classified in dese
---> mail/instant messenger attachments
---> pop up windows
---> sweepstakes
---> spam mail
when yhu are doing something big in future then yhu will encounter and understand the imporatance of social engineering.
NOTE: For tracing someone that sends u a mail is also a social engineering.
In the nearest future the use of keyloggers/trojans will be effective in social engineering
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