Today post mainly aims for those newbies who want to learn hacking but don’t know actually what it means? so they tend to think that mainly software exist using them they can hack any thing. But that is a wrong concept you can’t hack anyone by merely some clicks and password of that person may be in front of you. Following I am going to reveal the realities behind such softwares.
Software May have a binded Trojan or Keylogger With it:-
Like mostly in case of Facebook, people try to find out a software and hackers make use of this weakness and often they design fake hacking software in VB (Like I can also designed one in Visual Basic Environment, By just designing some button and text fields and then debugging the software and after testing generating the required .exe, But all will be fake) and attach a Trojan Or Keylogger with that mainly some RAT.
Software Itself can be a phisher:-
Many times the software it self can be a phisher and will ask you to enter your email address and password first, Which will be sent to its creator for sure. And then the hacking page will appear but surely you won’t get any results.
In fact there is not such software for Hacking Facebook, Yahoo, Gmail or Else MSN password of any user, As such companies pay high amount of money to the researchers who make their servers secure so that no hacker can gain un-authorized access to them for bad purpose.
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